2017 MAITC Summer Teachers Institute
July 31 – August 4, 2017, University of Maine, Farmington

The 2017 Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Summer Teachers Institute will be held at The University Maine, Farmington with 36 contact hours or 3.6 CEU's available for recertification. The week will start with curriculum sessions at the College focused on STEM, Nutrition and higher level thinking for students in regard to agriculture. The week-long workshop will include lessons, online resources and grant opportunities. All participants will leave with armloads of materials and megabytes of technology integrating agriculture into your classes from Pre K – 12th grade.
On Wednesday and Thursday the entire group will tour farms, aquaculture facilities, school agriculture programs and Maine Ag based businesses. Teachers will learn more about locally grown foods, their impact on the Maine economy, applications in science and other subjects, and opportunities to integrate agriculture into the core curriculum.
The cost of the entire week, including meals and all materials and lodging, is only $200 due to sponsorships from the Maine Wild Blueberry Commission, The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, AND the Specialty Agriculture License Plate!
Scholarships are available for $150 based on need (meaning your school's ability to fund), on a first come basis. If applying for a scholarship please send a short request of up to 250 words (including explanation of need, and how you will use the knowledge gained) and your check for $50, which will be returned if you are not granted funding.
Quote from an educator that had been teaching for over 30 years...
"This was the BEST professional development training that I have EVER attended!"
Teachers last year said...
"I cannot believe how smart all these Maine farmers are! Who knew you needed to know so much to provide food for everyone!"
"I am SO EXCITED to get all these resources back to my students!"