2013 Education Grants Funded
This grant program is made possible by the Maine Agricultural Specialty License Plate

Agriculture Leadership Grants up to $1,000
MSAD#1 Presque Isle – John Hoffses – $1000

As a result of this grant they will increase student awareness of agricultural systems and practices. Outstanding Ag Students will attend the FFA program at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA and the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY.
Ashland FFA – Janet Perry, advisor -- $1,000

Funding will help students attend “Big E” in Springfield, MA and the FFA National Convention in Louisville, KY. The students will meet other FFA students from all around the U.S. and have a chance to complete in various career development events.
Easton FFA – Kevin Marquis, director -- $1,000

Funding will allow Easton FFA students to attend National FFA and compete in Farm Business Management, Environment and Natural Resources, and Prepared Public Speaking.
Caribou FFA- Ralph Conroy, Director -- $1,000

This grant will allow winning teams in Ag Mechanics, Extemporaneous Speaking, Job interview and even the National FFA Chorus from Caribou FFA to participate at the highest level in the FFA, the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY.
Maine FFA Association – Doug Robertson, advisor -- $1,000

The Maine FFA Association will use the funding to conduct leadership workshops for members and additional presentations to new classrooms across the state.
Fort Fairfield FFA – Jeanne Fox, advisor -- $1,000

Funding will allow FFA students to travel to the week-long leadership conference in Washington DC with students from across the nation.
Agriculture Awareness Grants up to $1,000
Opportunity Alliance Pre-K -- J'Aime Walker – $1,000
These urban students have little understanding of agriculture. This program will allow them to visit 5 local farms over the year and learn first hand what happens there and how the products get to them. The classroom will design a learning environment and extension activities to be responsive to children's natural curiosity and interest.
Gray – New Gloucester Pre-K -- Kelly Burgess – $1,000
Funding will be used to allow Pre-K children to learn about Maine's local and rich agricultural offerings. This program will also allow them to visit local farms over the year and learn from hands-on activities.
Opportunity Alliance Pre-K - Suzanne Berzinis & Kristin Reindl -- $1,000
Students will experience six engaging fieldtrips and explore plants and animals first hand.
Auburn – Lewiston YMCA – Kate Thiss – $1,000
This project will enhance indoor gardening projects at the Turner Street location as well as introduce the activities at the Monticello and Geiger after school programs in Lewiston.
Albert S Hall School, Waterville – Mary Dunn - $1000
Funding will be used to expand the children's exposure to, understanding of, and appreciation for where their food comes from using trips to local farms and the school's garden.
College of the Atlantic – Annelise Hildebrandt - $1000
Funding will be used to continue and build on the Farm to School program, and introduce students to their food system through class discussion, field trips, and service learning. The program is intended to meet Maine Learning Results for both science and social studies in an interactive and engaging way, while empowering students to improve their local food system.
Princeton Elementary School – Jane Andrews - $1000
Students will grow vegetables from seed to maturity. The students will use different systems including the garden, indoor grow lights and a hydroponic system. After harvest they will learn to process the vegetables by cooking, freezing, and canning.
Robbinston Grade School – Maryellen Morrell - $1000
Our project will teach children good nutritional habits by growing, tending, harvesting and preparing nutritious foods from the garden.
Maine School Garden Network – Ryan Fahey - $1000
Our project will increase capacity of the Maine School Garden Network who maintains a website ( with about 100 Maine School Gardens in their directory.
School Garden Grants up to $2000
Maine School of Science & Mathematics – Deborah Eustis - Grandy – $2000
This funding will cover grow lamps in their new 20' x 55' greenhouse devoted to student-directed research in hydroponics.
Houlton High School – Mike Hammer - $2,000
Funding will directly connect students to agriculture through use of the greenhouse and composting program. The compost from the cafeteria will be used to increase soil fertility in the greenhouse completing the ecological cycle.
Midcoast Maine Community Action Program – Jessica Tysen - $2,000
The funding will add two small greenhouses to the existing garden project to extend the student’s exposure earlier and later in the season to start seedlings in the spring and grow cold tolerant crops much longer into the fall.
Rose Gaffney School, Machias – Shannon Micklus - $1,840
Funding will revitalize a currently unused greenhouse by creating a passive heating and cooling system. Food grown will be used in the cafeteria.
Mt. Blue High School – Monique Poulin - $2,000
The new greenhouse on the Mt. Blue Learning Campus is the first in the district. Funding will be used to integrate growing food into the Health program in the High School and classes in the Foster Tech Center.
Messalonskee High School – Clare Heffernan - $2,000
This project will be a multi-faceted, student based learning opportunity utilizing the garden and a new greenhouse at the school.
Chebeague Island School – Bob Earnest - $1,000
Funding will help to add a shelter to the outdoor classroom that will enclose their wood-fired pizza oven and allow for food preparation and educational sessions in any weather in the area adjacent to the garden.
Ellsworth High School – Kimberly Sellers - $1,000

This project is a gardening program established by students and staff in cooperation with the Ellsworth Garden Club in an effort to teach small scale agricultural practices and provide green produce for the school cafeteria.
Kennebunk High School – Melissa Luetje - $1,000
Funding will be used to create and sustain the school garden and greenhouse and enhance academic achievement, improve the school environment, promote healthy food choices, provide valuable life skills, foster environmental stewardship and aid community and social development.
Oceanside East High School – Jesse Bartke - $1,000
Students at the high school form an ARMY to initiate change. They maintain the school garden, cook meals, conduct taste tests, prepare foods, and plan and implement school gardens in other schools throughout the district.
Traip Academy – Marilyn Woodside - $1,000
Funding will be used to develop a permaculture program including curriculum, garden and edible forest at the school.
Through FUNDING PROVIDED BY the Maine School Garden Network, 2013 USDA Specialty Crops Grant - FOR 2 Additional Garden Projects
Mt Desert Elementary School – Anica Miller Rushing - $2,000
Funding will be used to add a citizen science curriculum to the garden project that will improve the science, agricultural and environmental literacy component while providing nutritious local produce.
Rippling Waters Farm and MSAD#6 – Richard Rudolph - $2,000
Funding will directly connect students to their food source at three elementary in MSAD#6 and help these gardens to create local garden committees to help them sustain themselves into the future
Ag Awareness Grants up to $5,000
Wiscasset Primary School & Morris Farm – John Affleck – $5,000
Funding will support a farm to school coordinator to connect the school with the program at Morris Farm as well as 8 other mid-coast farms. Students experience agriculture all through the school year.
Edward Little High School – Kimberly Finnerty - $4,957.93

This new program will link High School students to a local farm in operation for over 75 years. They will cooperate with the Auburn Land Lab and Lots to Gardens, run by the St. Mary's Nutrition Center.
Leavitt Area High School – Sharon Hathaway – $5,000
This grant will pilot customized learning for students at the high school using agriculture. Students will combine technology, community based experiences, and traditional learning to design their own projects that increase their knowledge and skills in the areas of agriculture and natural resources.
Northeast Livestock Expo – Jessica Strout -- $5,000
Funding will be used to provide transportation costs to schools wishing to bring students in grades K – 6 to the NELE in May 2014. A full day of activities teaching students about farm animals is planned. 600 students attended in 2013 and 3 to 4 times that amount are expected next year as a result of this funding.

Medomak Valley High School – Genna Cherichello -- $5,000
Funding will be used to expand the nation's oldest high school heirloom seed project through the addition of seed storage. Materials will be developed on topics such as heirloom varieties, biodiversity, displayed for visitors. Cafeteria taste tests using garden produce and many other aspects of food appreciation are included in this grant.
Child Study Center – Kevin L. Duplissie -- $2,740
This project is geared towards children at the UM Child Study Center and their families. The program includes over 100 University of Maine students, as well as 200+ PK children and their families that will gain knowledge together about the importance of agriculture using resources from MAITC, Books, and other materials.