2014 Education Grants Funded
This grant program is made possible by the Maine Agricultural Specialty License Plate

Agriculture Leadership Grants up to $1,000

Oxford Hills Technical School FFA – Advisor, Al Schaeffer
To send FFA winning team on to compete at the Big E.
Maine FFA Association – Advisor, Doug Robertson
To send state FFA officers to Eastern States Expo
Ashland District School FFA – Advisor, Janet Perry
To compete at the Big E and tour New England Ag sites

Sanford Regional Technical Center – Advisor, Katie Osediacz
To fund travel for a new FFA group.
Caribou Technical Center – Teacher, Casey Cote
To start a Community Supported Agriculture Program
ME Assn of Conservation Districts - Rebecca Jacobs
To support Envirothon

Little Beavers 4-H Club – Leader, Marilyn Schofield
To send 4-Hers to visit Agricultural colleges in New England
Presque Isle High School FFA – Advisor, John Hoffses
To attend the Big E and visit Maine farms.
Agricultural Awareness Grants - $1,000

Albert S Hall School, Waterville – Teacher, Mary Dunn
To bring local farmers and foods to students
Atwood Primary School, Oakland – Teacher, Tammy Pullen
To start a small garden & build a chicken coop.
Hunger Free York County - Allison Hopkins
To buy and teach students about fresh, local foods

Holbrook Middle School, Holden – Teacher, Maddy Roberts
To continue the school garden project started with a MAITC grant in 2012
Wells High School – Teacher, Elisa Allen Beriau
For Field trips, farm products and lab activities for dual credit course "Principles of Sustainable Agriculture" for high school and college credit
RSU#20, Swanville – Teacher, Patricia Ferrintino
To start a small veggie program.

The New School, Kennebunk – Teacher, Marilyn Wentworth
To tour and learn from local farmers & markets
Maine Farm to School Network - Ken Morse
To support the Maine Farm To School Conference
R.W.Traip Academy, Kittery – Dr. Maury Hepner
To purchase plants & compost for their permaculture garden
Milbridge Elementary School – Teacher, Suzen Polk-Hoffses
To visit local farms
School Garden & Greenhouse Grants – Up to $3,000

RSU#2, Monmouth – Principal, Deborah Emery
To explore agriculture through the use of their school greenhouse and connections to local farms
Pemetic Elementary, Southwest Harbor – Teacher, Bonnie Burne
Grant will be added to funding from the Maine Community Fund to build a year-round greenhouse which will be integrated into the core curriculum of all classes at the school, K – 8th grade.

MSAD#15, Gray/New Gloucester – Teacher, Morgan Kerr
To implement a school garden program and outdoor classroom.
Portland Arts and Technology H.S. – Teacher, Kathy Tarpo
To expand the aquaponics program
Hermon Middle School – Teacher, Shane Barker
For a hoop house to cover previously installed raised beds.

Brunswick High School – Teacher, Jon Riggleman
Will work with at risk teens in the topics of food security, gardening and farming.
Agricultural Awareness Grants – Up to $3,000

Leavitt Area High School – Teacher, Sharon Hathaway
To support fieldtrips and collaborations for high school students and local farmers. A yearlong course that involves local farmers, internships, a field day and exposure to careers and local foods and farms. This year a dual credit program will be added for college credit.
MSAD#15 Pre K, Gray-New Gloucester – Teacher, Kelly Burgess
To add farm fieldtrips and agricultural activities to the 3 classrooms for 90+ Pre-K students over the school year.

Healthy Communities of the Capital Area – FoodCorp Service Member, Andrea Snow
To support the FoodCorp service member's initiatives in 3 school districts.
Edward Little High School – Teacher, Kimberly Finnerty
To teach 90+ High School chemistry students through the use of living classroom experiences in agriculture.

University of Maine Child Study Center – Teacher, Kevin Duplissie
To teach preschool and college students about agriculture through a year-long program including fieldtrips and experiential learning activities.
Cumberland Farmers Club Exhibit Hall - Carolyn Small
To support Ag Day at Cumberland Fair

Re-Tree US - Richard Hodges
To conduct grafting workshops at 5 Maine high schools with established orchards.
Maranacook Community School, Readfield – Teacher, Pat Stanton
To support the Dual credit “Principles of Sustainable Agriculture” and alternative education agriculture programs.

Northeast Livestock Expo, Windsor Fairgrounds - Cindy Kilgore
To support the NELE Kid's Day Educational event.
Opportunity Alliance, Portland/Westbrook – Teachers, Sarah Swenson, Suzie Berzinis & J'Aime Walker
To provide fieldtrips andactivities for Pre K students in Westbrook.

ME Assn of Conservation Districts, Hancock County - Megan Facciolo
To support the Educational Farm Tours program.
RSU#52, Leavitt HS fiberarts - Marcia Martin
To support fieldtrips and materials for a fiberarts class.