MAITC Teacher of the Year 2016

Photo courtesy of the Maine Department of Agriculture.
Maine Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) announced the 2016 Teachers of the Year at the 75th Annual Maine Agricultural Trades Show this month. Governor Paul R. LePage was on hand to congratulate Morgan Kerr and Stephanie Enaire from Gray-New Gloucester Middle School.
The team of Morgan Kerr and Stephanie Enaire are teaching partners at the Gray-New Gloucester Middle School and were recognized for adding agriculture to all subjects across their curriculum. For example, they use their school garden to teach Science, Math and Language Arts. They have raised chickens with their students, visited local farms, explored agricultural careers, and even studied history through the remaining rock walls and foundations left from farms in their area. Mr. Kerr has been a summer youth educator at Wolfe’s Neck Farm. Mrs. Enaire grew up on a dairy farm right in the same county.

Past Winners
- 2024 Marti Stevens LS Team
- 2023 Selina Greene Warren
- 2022 Stacey Sanborn
- 2021 Abby Plummer
- 2020 Ted Bridge-Koenigsberg
- 2019 Lynn Snow
- 2018 Beth Prelgovisk
- 2017 Eric Brooks
- 2016 Morgan Kerr & Stephanie Enaire
- 2015 Kevin Duplissie
- 2014 Kelly Burgess
- 2013 Sharon Hathaway
- 2012 Erik Wade
- 2011 Annette Caldwell & Gretchen Kimball
- 2010 Ted Kryzak
- 2009 Kristen Wescott
- 2008 David Finlay
- 2007 Don Sprangers
- 2006 Neil Lash & Jon Thurston
- 2005 Jeff Chase
- 2004 Steven Tanguay & Don White