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Maine Agriculture in the Classroom


Library Resources

Entomology & Microbiology

Insect Wars
Grades 2-12
Van Dyck, Sara. New York, New York: Franklin Watts, 1997.
Excellent story about beneficial insects.
The Secret House
Grades 7–adult
Bodanis, David. Simon & Schuster, 1986
Fantastic microscopic account of processes in our own houses that we do not usually see. Color Photos.
MicroAliens: Dazzling Journeys with an Electron Microscope
Grades 7–adult
Tomb, Howard and Dennis Kunkel Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993
Fabulous adventure exploring the microscopic world.
The Facinating World of Bees
Grades 3–12
Julivert, Angels. Barron's, 1991
The story of bees, hives, pollination and the making of honey.
Worms Eat Our Garbage
Grades 4–12
Appelhof, Mary, Mary Francis Fenton and Barbara Loss Harris. Flower Press, 1993
Classroom activities to help kids protect their environment.
The Wonderful World of Wigglers
Grades PreK-3
Julia Hand, 1995
Activity book on worms for teachers of PreK – 6th grades.
Busy, Buzzy Bees
Grades PreK-3
Alan Fowler, 1995. Bee story for PreK – 3rd grades.