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Maine Agriculture in the Classroom


Library Resources

Nutrition and Health

The Very Hungary Catapillar
Grades PreK–1
Carle, Eric.Scholastic, 1995
Beginning reader about foods.
Child Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Grades 9–Adult
Chering, Lilian W.Y. and Julius B. Richmond. Human Kinetics, 1995
Review of topics such as nutrition, physical activity, eating disorders and obesity in childhood.
Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition And Human Performance
Grades 9–Adult
McAdle, William D., Frank I. Katch and Victor L Katch. 3rd edition Lea &Febiger, 1991
Textbook on exercise physiology.
Perspectives in Nutrition
Grades 9–Adult
Wardlow, Gordon M. and Paul M. Insel. 2nd edition Mosby, 1993
Textbook and Student study guide.
Germs Make Me Sick
Grades PreK–6
Berger, Melvin. Revised Edition. Harper Collins, 1996
Great story of how a virus or bacteria can make you sick and how the body combats them.