
Introducing Maine's first ever agricultural specialty license plate!
Taking Time to Thank Ag License Plate Owners!
I often make special allowances for other Ag Plate owners like letting them in ahead of me, and I try to wave as often as I can, just to say thank you. I really feel it is important to let you all know how important your license plate is to the education system in Maine, but I never thought of buying your coffee! My SPECIAL thanks to the fellow Ag plate owner that bought my coffee yesterday at the drive through! I was so pleased! I noticed your plate while we were waiting but I had no idea that when I reached the window my bill would be paid in full. I smiled all day to think that others are saying thank you too!
Since 2007 the owners of Ag license plates have contributed to: the volunteer reading project in over 2,500 Maine classrooms for over 55,000 students, 109 Agricultural Project grants of up to $5000 each, materials and training for over 800 pre-service teachers and 600 in-service teachers! And much more!
With school budgets being cut every day, I have no idea where agricultural education would be without your support! And there is so much more to do! With 180,000 school age children in our state we currently reach almost half of them annually. That is a wonderful accomplishment, before the plate our funding only allowed us to reach 5% of Maine's students. The 15,000 Ag plate owners in our state can be very proud! We couldn't do it without each and every one of you! THANK YOU very much!
$10 from the sale of each set of this colorful plate will be transferred to a special fund for agricultural education programs in Maine administered by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council.
Ag Plate - Issued October, 2007

On October 1st, 2007, Secretary of State, Matthew Dunlap, announced the release of the new agriculture specialty license plate at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (Anthony Avenue branch) in Augusta.
The agricultural specialty license plate is based on a painting (painted expressly for the purpose of the license plate) by Charlie Armstrong of Etna, Maine, who is an artist as well as a cranberry specialist for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the secretary of the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council. The figures in the painting were originally done from a photograph of Charlie's father—who grew up on a dairy farm—and Charlie's daughter. The idea for including them in the design came when he decided that Maine agriculture is principally about people, and their quality of life.
He adds, "Maine's agriculture [and aquaculture] has a tremendous reputation and is no doubt a huge contributing factor to our so-called 'Maine Mystique' that draws thousands of visitors to our state each year! It is important that we instill in our children the recognition and appreciation of how valuable our agriculture [and aquaculture] is, so that when it comes time to pass the torch, we have plenty of willing recipients to carry it on! The proceeds from this plate will ensure that the work of Maine Agriculture in the Classroom carries on as well."
$10 of the annual renewal fee is transferred to a special fund for agricultural education programs administered by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council. The balance of the fees are used for production and administration of the plate by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or transferred to the highway fund.

Karen Baldacci, First Lady, Rep. Wendy Pieh, Rep. Bill Browne, Sharon Foss (Washington County SWCD), Rhonda Cook (Maine Aquaculture Assn.) Secretary of State – Matthew Dunlap, Ag Plate Artist – Charlie Armstrong, Seth Bradstreet III (Maine Agriculture Commissioner), Jon Olson (Maine Farm Bureau) and Steve Verrill (Maine State Grange).
Fequently Asked Questions
One question we hear frequently is: Can I order a vanity plate for my ag plate?
YES, assuming your choice is available (see sample above). To find out, or if you have any other questions related to vanity plates, you can contact the BMV at: (207) 624-9000 x 52146 or
Note: Willie Grenier (not pictured), is the Executive Director for Maine Agriculture in the Classroom, and she deserves an abundance of credit for making this license plate a reality!