2019 MAITC Summer Teachers Institute
"Agriculture for ME on Land and Sea"
July 29 - August 2, 2019, University of New England, Biddeford
A full group of teachers attended the professional development workshop from July 29 to August 2nd at the University of New England in Biddeford. Tours included a visit to the Damariscotta Oyster farms via boat, Wolfe's Neck Center for Agriculture & the Environment, Thurston & Peters Sugar house and much more!
The 2020 Summer institute will be based at the University of Maine, Orono, on August 3-7 with a focus and hands-on activities regarding bee-keeping and pollination! Mark your calendars, registration materials will be posted soon.

- Covering many of the trips and topics for Maine and Northeast Teachers that were not able attend the 2018 NAITC Conference in Maine!
- Curriculum sessions focused on Local Agriculture and Aquaculture, Food, Nutrition and cooking with students. Online and hard-copy resources provided and explored.
- Hands-on activities modeled with teachers/for teachers.
- Lessons and activities aligned with Common Core Standards, Maine Learning Results and Next Gen. Science Standards.
- Classroom instruction will be meaningful for Pre K – 12th grade teachers, volunteers and educators.
- All participants will leave with armloads of materials, megabytes of technology, and new partnerships and ideas for integrating agriculture into your classes.
- Teachers will tour Maine Farms and Aquaculture facilities in Southern Maine.
- Receive activities for students on preserving and dehydrating food, making yogurt, preparation for freezing and more will be carried out by the participants.
- Teachers will learn about locally grown foods and their impact on the Maine Economy, applications in science and opportunities to integrate all this into their core curriculum.
- Classroom lessons and activities will showcase the MAITC lesson site, The New Hampshire Maple Lessons “Tapping into Maple Tradition” AND the National AITC Curriculum Matrix.
At this Educator's workshop, participants will receive 36 contact hours or 3.6 CEU’s from the University of Maine for re-certification credit. Thanks to grants issued by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Wild Blueberry Commission, and the agricultural license plate,

The cost of this training will be only be $200 per participant before July 1st ($500+ value), and $250 after this date, (Space permitting) which includes lodging (double occupancy), travel and meals for up to 35 educators for the 5 days.
Scholarships are available for Maine teachers – apply by e-mail to:
Due to the already discounted price, there will be no change in cost for educators wishing to commute. Sessions will start at 8:00 AM each morning and there will sometimes be programming into the evening hours.