2022 MAITC Summer Teachers Institue

August 2-4, 2022
University of Maine, Orono
All participants will leave with armloads of materials, megabytes of technology, and new partnerships and ideas for integrating agriculture into your classes.
At this Educator's workshop, participants will receive 22 contact hours or 2.2 CEU's from the University of Maine for recertification credit.

This year the group will visit the Rogers Farm Forage and Crop Research Facility in Old Town, which is a learning space for researchers, commercial farmers, UMaine students, and home gardeners. Now, through a partnership with the Old Town Elementary School garden team, the farm also serves as a learning space for local elementary school students. Learn more about how the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Old Town Elementary School garden team collaborate on initiatives including their 4th grade potato project and food security efforts.

Teachers will tour aquaculture facilities, visit beehives, and learn about the Food and Agriculture program on campus, including classroom and hands-on presentations on bees and pollination by Dr. Philip Fanning, University of Maine Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology. Learn more about Dr. Fanning here.